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[Poland]Parmesan cheese 7 COLLINE

Hardcheese 7 Colline is exclusively produced with milk from cows,raised in one ofthe most environmentally-preserved region of Europe andfed according to strictanimal feed regulations, which prescribes localforage and vegetable fodder. Asa result, the good animal feed isreflected in the quality of the milk which isthen being used in themanufacture of 7 Colline.
7Colline is the result of theconvergence of several factors such as theexperience, know-how,tradition and lithuanian culture together with the mostinnovativetechnologies and the selection of raw materials of superior quality.7Colline is a hard cheese for the pleasure of those who seek not onlyaexquisite taste but also a healthy product of superior quality whichisproduced respecting nature and dairy traditions. The originalformula, theselective milk and the very long ripening confer to 7Colline a unique tasteacknowledged in the whole world, which is moredelicate than that of a classichard cheese.Hard cheese lovers will appreciate 7 Collines extraordinary qualities andexquisitetaste, which differentiate it from other hard cheeses. 7Colline is alsoindicated as an ingredient in culinary recipes.
7Collines ripening process performs inspecial and large receptacles which canlast between 9 up to 24 months. Duringthis process, the milk fermentsconfer to the cheese all its specific characteristics, such as itsconsistency, taste and color. The intensity of these characteristics depends on the length of the ripening process. As aresult, the longestthe ripening process is, the more intensive the color, themore moderateor spicy the flavor and the more consistent the texture.
There are two different types of 7 Colline: ripened between three and ninemonths,and from nine months up to twenty-four months. Moreover, 7Colline is sold inthree different commercial packagings: wheel 4-5kg, wedge 250 g andshredded 100 g.

Category: Food & Beverages -> Food & related products -> Dairy products

P.U-H Litpro Distribution

Street:Sandomierska 10
Postal code:80-074
Phone: +48 58 7421026
Fax: +48 58 7421026



Contact person

Name and Surname: Marko Marko
Phone: +48 58 7421026